Dr. Peter Foltz is Research Professor at the University of Colorado’s Institute of Cognitive Science and Executive Director of the National Science Foundation AI Institute for Student-AI Teaming. His work covers machine learning and natural language processing for educational and clinical assessments, large-scale data analytics, cognitive skills in reading and writing, team collaboration, and 21st Century skills learning, Much of his work has focused on AI-based approaches for automatically analyzing the meaning of language through writing and speaking. The approaches are used for assessing abilities, for providing feedback, and for understanding underlying cognitive mechanisms in the brain. The methods he has pioneered are used by millions of people annually to improve achievement, expand student access, and make learning materials more affordable.
Peter is an experienced leader in academic and industry settings with a history of leading innovative research and development teams resulting in the transition from ideas to proofs of concept to revenue generating products. He was a Founder and Chief Scientist at Knowledge Analysis Technologies, which was acquired by Pearson Education and then served as Vice President for Research at Pearson. He has served as the content lead for the framework development for The Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development’s (OECD) Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) assessments, including the 2018 Reading Literacy assessment, the 2015 assessment of Collaborative Problem Solving, and a new assessment of reading literacy for developing countries. He has been guest editor for a number of journals including International Journal of AI in Education and Discourse Processes as well as co-editor of the recent Handbook of Automated Scoring: Theory inito Practice. His work has been covered widely in the press including The New York Times, Time Magazine, NPR, and Science.
Peter has authored more than 150 journal articles, book chapters, and conference papers, as well as multiple patents. He previously worked at Pearson, New Mexico State University, Bell Communications Research, the Learning Research and Development Center at the University of Pittsburgh, Yale University, and the Harvard Institute for International Development. Dr. Foltz holds doctorate and master’s degrees from the University of Colorado, Boulder, and a bachelor degree magna cum laude from Lehigh University.

Peter Foltz